Demand side management and flexibility evaluation
Demand side management and flexibility evaluation
The fundamental change in the public energy system, with renewable energies accounting for over 50% of electricity generation, is leading to high volatility on the markets. We evaluate your flexibility potential and develop operational management concepts to leverage the associated market potential.
High volatility of market prices
The increasing share of renewable energies in the public electricity system leads to high price volatility due to the strongly fluctuating residual load. In addition, the absolute forecasting error for the generation of renewable energy is increasing despite improved forecasting quality. The result is an increased demand for flexibility on the intra-day and balancing power markets. Due to the decline in generation from thermal power plants, there is a lack of controllable generation capacity on the supply side.
Great economic potential for flexible loads
There is great market potential for flexible consumers and flexible sector-coupled energy systems. Over 100,000 €/MW in additional revenue can be generated per year. Demand Side Management can also significantly reduce emissions, as the hourly emission factors and the electricity price on the wholesale markets show a strong positive correlation.
Path to Zero combines the necessary expertise and the right tooling
Our team has spent years researching demand-side management and has implemented numerous projects for the real-time control of renewable energy systems. Based on our understanding of grid charges, short-term electricity markets and balancing power markets, we provide our clients with independent advice on identifying and evaluating demand side management potentials.
Key references
Demand response analysis framework (DRAF): An open-source multi-objective
decision support tool for decarbonizing local multi-energy systems
M Fleschutz, M Bohlayer, M Braun, MD Murphy
Sustainability 14 (13), 8025, 2022
Experimental operation of a solar-driven climate system with thermal energy storages
using mixed-integer nonlinear MPC
A Bürger, D Bull, P Sawant, M Bohlayer, A Klotz, D Beschütz,
A Altmann-Dieses, M Braun, M Diehl
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 42 (5), 1293-1319, 2021
Enabling decentralized demand side management in industrial energy supply systems
D Bull, A Bürger, M Bohlayer, M Fleschutz, M Braun
INFORMATIK 2020 – Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn
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